Jonathan Clements Joins Nakama Britannica to Discuss Anime

Awesome news recently broke when VivisQueen announced that one of the UK’s most knowledgeable minds on anime and Asian culture will be joining the Nakama Britannica team for a discussion on Japanese culture and anime. In a statement sent out to the forum VivisQueen said:

Hey everyone,

The Nakama Britannica team is very pleased to announce that Jonathan Clements, prolific author of Schoolgirl Milky Crisis, translator, and regular contributor to Neo Magazine, will be joining us on our show to discuss the influence of Japanese culture on anime.

We’d love the community to get involved, so we’re taking fan questions to put to Mr. Clements. Any questions pertinent to the theme are very welcome. Of course, we can’t guarantee that we’ll include all questions posted here since there are time constraints, but will try to get the most interesting included in our discussion.

With that said, ask away!

The Nakama Britannica team podast has quickly established itself as a popular and informed source of anime discussion and has covered a diverse range of topics from the sci-fi seinen series Pluto to the works of Satoshi Kon to the magical world of Esaflowne. Most recently they have embarked on a retrospective of Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s works Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku and Cyber City Oedo 808. This is not the first time that they have had a high profile guest from the world of UK anime and manga since they have had a discussion with Helen McCarthy.

To submit any questions you may have to Jonathan Clements head on over to the news forum and reply in the thread.


I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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