Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden Gets a Western Release

The latest entry in the Fatal Frame franchise is getting a western release. The news was announced during yesterday’s Nintendo Direct session.

The game follows Yuri Kozukata, a girl who has the ability to see and bring back people who have been “spirited away” to another realm and are no longer visible. After accepting a request to find someone she heads to a mountain that has a large lake and graves.

The Wii U GamePad will be utilised as a weapon and it will have a camera feature that shows things that you normally can’t see with your eyes and forces you to look directly at the ghosts chasing you.

Fatal Frame: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden was released in Japan on September 27th last year to coincide with the live-action film



I'm a long-time anime and Japanese film and culture fan who has lived in the country and is studying Japanese in an effort to become fluent. I write about films, anime, and work on various things.

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