2004: Year in Review

2004 has proven to be, if nothing else, an exciting year for UK anime fans. We have sampled the highs of an increased number DVD releases (mostly courtesy of ADV and MVM) and the lows of acclaimed (and popular) anime series being regularly snubbed by British TV channels (probably in favour of yet another reality TV show).

Anime (in the UK) in 2004, while undoubtedly a small niche of interest for most in this country, has been subtly creeping into the British mainstream conscience. No one can argue with increased DVD sales and releases, a new (and mostly dedicated) anime magazine in NEO and the largest UK anime convention attendance (at AmeCon 2004) for a long time. This has been a year of slow but sure progress, spent building the foundations for the further success of anime in UK.

This is our review of anime in the UK in 2004, an epic trilogy of articles detailing this past year- our favourite UK DVD releases, our favourite fansubbed anime, the UK’s highest and lowest points in 2004 and even our favourite UK anime websites! Happy new year and the best of luck in 2005!
2004- Year in Review: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]


Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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