2005: The contents page

True to form, Anime UK News has produced a mammouth year in review article for your reading pleasure and aside from our regular contributors, we are proud to say that we have managed to secure a few paragraphs from the people that matter in the UK anime industry with comments from ADV, Beez, Manga Ent., MVM and NEO.

Such is the word count of our yearly review, we have decided to split it up into three seperate instalments, you can enjoy our favourite (and indeed, worst) DVD releases of 2005 on one page, our more general opinions on UK anime in 2005 on another and the final section concludes with said industry comments. Enjoy the article and happy new year!

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Washed up on the good shores of Anime UK News after many a year at sea, Paul has been writing about anime for a long time here at AUKN and at his anime blog.

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